Apar Gupta

Apar Gupta

Executive Director - Internet Freedom Foundation

Apar is a lawyer and the Executive Director at the Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF). The IFF is an Indian digital liberties organisation that seeks to ensure that technology respects fundamental rights.

Apar has been working extensively on public interest issues which include strategic litigation and organisation of campaigns and collectives. In courts, his work as a lawyer includes key digital rights cases on privacy and censorship. He is a part of key constitutional challenges on Section 66A, the Right to Privacy and Aadhaar representing public interest litigants.

Beyond court work he has worked extensively with activists and set up digital campaigns such as those on Net Neutrality (SaveTheInternet.in), fight against defamation laws (SpeechBill.in) and safeguard privacy (SaveOurPrivacy.in). I am committed to advancing values of the Constitution of India in a digital, technology mediated society.

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